Comte de Baudouin, Chateau de Cornillon, St-Etienne, near Lyon, France
Partridge Fine Arts London 1982
Private Collection America

Jacques Dubois

A descendant of a family of French ébénistes, Jacques Dubois, may have been trained in the workshop of his half-brother, Nöel Gérard, a successful Parisian ébéniste and dealer during the 1720s and 1730s. Dubois did not become a master cabinetmaker until he was forty-eight years old, relatively late in his career. The inventory drawn up following his death in 1764 reveals a sizable workshop set up with twelve workbenches and the presence of a large range of luxury furniture decorated with Asian lacquer or floral marquetry, as well as a large stock of gilt-bronze mounts. His work can be seen in most of the major Museums in the world.


Dimensions CM Inches
Width: 90 35.5
Depth: 56 22
Height: 80 32